到和逸飯店Hotel Cozzi 逸薈軒 品嘗川揚精緻料理

與知名台灣契作醬油品牌「豆油伯」攜手合作,將現代健康飲食理念融入川揚菜中,精心選用榮獲比利時「Monde Selection世界品質評鑑大賞」2023金獎及

「A.A.Taste Awards荷蘭全球純粹風味評鑑」三星殊榮的頂級黑豆醬油「豆油伯春源釀造醬油」作為美饌佐料。




此款橄欖油曾於「NY international olive oil Contest紐約國際橄欖油大賽」摘得金獎殊榮,






Yi Hui Xuan collaborates with "Doyoubo,"using their award-winning"Chun Yuan Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce"in Yi Hui Xuan's Sichuan cuisine.Honored at the 2023"Monde Selection" and "A.A.Taste Awards.""Doyoubo"crafts high-quality soy sauce from pesticide-free,non-GMO Taiwanese black soybeans and wheat.It's iodine-free with a rich soy aroma,elevating dish flavors.

Yi Hui Xuan switches from traditional salad oil to premium "Tierras de Tavara Conventional Extra Virgin Olive Oil"from Spain for cooking Sichuan cuisine.

This award-winning olive oil from the "NY International Olive Oil Contest" is cold-presed fromPicual olives for purity and boasts a unique fruity aroma. Rich in olive polyphenols, vitamins, and Omega-9.it enhances the healthiness and deliciousness of Sichuan cuisine.

Yi Hui Xuan aims to provide you with flavorful Sichuan cuisine, crafted with carefully seleeted ingredients,
cnsturing yow enjoy both rich flavors and hcalthy dining.
